Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Importance of Undergraduate Research

This is my summary of Dean's reflections of today's STEC presentations held at GGC.

- Learning is reinforced in a different context
- Gaining a deeper appreciation for chosen discipline
- Applying concepts learned in coursework to real life situations
- Sharpening problem-solving skills
- Learning to read primary literature
- Reinforces the importance of collaborative learning

Advantages to undergraduate students
- Improves a student's resume
- Exploring and preparing for future careers
- Enhancing professional oral and written communication skills
- Collaborating with others and working effectively as a part of a team
- Working closely with a faculty mentor
- Shows potential employers that students can actually produce something

Personal Benefits
- Growth as a critical, analytical, and independent thinker
- Developing confidence by learning the satisfaction of completing a project
- Learning to solve an unexpected problem
- Discovering personal interests

Thursday, April 11, 2013

P&C Changes: SST Dean's Town Hall Meeting

Dean' perspective on reviewing the P&C files:

- All 5 areas with teaching being most important
- Evidence for meeting the standards in all 5 areas
- Are there any areas in which the minimal requirements are not met among all 5 areas
- Very strong areas can compensate for weak areas but cannot compensate for areas in which the           minimal requirements are not met.
- Promotion to full professor are not just more of the same performance in earlier areas. All areas are     viewed through a leadership lens.