Tuesday, September 13, 2011

State of GGC: Update by the President

This is a summary of the talk given by Dr. Kaufman at today's talk (Sept 13th 2011)


*) Faculty engegement in teaching and mentoring
*) Model for innovative approaches to education and administration
*) Driving force for change in student success

Cabinet Strategic Priorities for AY 11-12:

*) Enrollment Management/Growth
*) Resource Preservation/Growth
*) Private Fund Raising
*) Facilities and Infrastructure
*) QEP/Reaffirmation
*) International Students
*) Technology
*) Internal communication
*) Inculcate and grow GGC culture
*) Residence Halls
*) Athletics

Enrollment Projections

2012 enrollment raises to 11,000 students.
In August 2006, the enrollment was 118.

As of Sept 6th 2011, there were a total of 7780 students, 304 full-time faculty, and 210 part-time faculty, full-time staff of 169

First Year Matters
The right start for a life of scholarship, creativity, service, and leadership.

GGC's commitment to student success

GGC Budget FY 2012

State Appropriation: $33.5 million
Tuition: $23.5 million
Institutional Fees: $5.5 million
Total: $62.5 million
Bond Package: $7.1 million

Future Construction Schedule

Allied Health/Science: Design: FY 2012

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