Thursday, August 4, 2011

Academic Year Fall 2011 Class Information at GGC

This presentation was given by Dr. Napier from the IT department. Specifically, the first time first year student distribution is given below.

1. Age's Mean: 19.33 and 97%<=24

2. Gender distribution: 53.4% Females

3. Ethnicity: 41.9% White

Academic Preparation of students:

1. High School GPA Mean=2.69, Median=2.66, Min=1.36, and Max=4.0

2. Proportion required to take one or more learning support classes: 45%

3. Proportion required to take ALL learning support classes: 8%


1. Learning occurrs in a diverse environment

2. Academic preparation varies widely.

3. For some student GGC is like a temporary college for those looking for transfer to other better colleges

4. For some students GGC is their graduating college.

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