Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mentoring Students

Presentation by:
Anna Jackson Student Success Jackson, School of Transition Studies, Rm B2320

Course Placement at GGC

Must take MATH COMPASS if

SAT Math < 450
ACT Math < 19

Must take the English and Reading COMPASS if

SAT Critical Reading < 480
ACT English < 21

Academic Status Situations

(*) Warning: GPA falls below the minimum cumulative for the credit hours enrolled. They receive a letter of warning.

(*) Probation: After warning did not raise their GPA to minimum, they are restricted to register for 14 hours, cant represent GGC in official capacity in clubs and athletics.

(*) Continued Academic Probation:: because they at least made a 2.0 GPA for the semester

Student Success Courses at GGC

(*) ENGL 0098 and ENG 0099
(*) READ 0098
(*) MATH 0099
(*) English for Academic Purposes EAP (two levels) 80's and 90's, 3 courses of 11 credits

Exiting Student Success

(*) SS ENGL: Pass the course, pass a writing sample, and score 60 or above on the COMPASS exit exam

(*) SS READ: Pass the course and score 74% or above on the COMPASS exit exam

(*) SS MATH: Pass the course and score 37 or above on the COMPASS exit exam

(*) EAP students: Pass courses with 70% and also the exit tests (Reading or Writing)

Policies from Board of Regeants

(*) 3 attempts in each area then appeal for a 4th in reading and 5th in Math.

(*) An appeal can only be granted if in only one area of SS and in top level

(*) These are BofRegeants policies and grades and COMPASS scores are tracked on transcripts and in Banner

(*) Students cannot withdraw and should speak with Student Success Office if they want to withdraw

Mentoring At Risk Students

(*) Academically unprepared
(*) Individual risk factors (health wise)
(*) Family risk factors including financial status
(*) Social Risk factors (conflicting cultural values, stressful peer or social interactions)

Mentoring Students with Academic Status Issues

(*) Contact student upon notice of academic status from enrollment office

(*) Explain GGC policies for academic standing and the chart. Show the GPA calculator:

(*) Help student through guided discussion and identify the possible reasons of situations that led to the academic status.

(*) Attendance, coursework too difficult, time management issues, personal or family concerns, financial issues, unclear college or career goals, balancing work with school, relationship issues, health concerns, health concerns, basic skills development

Mentoring Techniques

(*) Identify student strengths and skill deficits

(*) Be direct, emphatic, and perspective when designing a plan to overcome defecits

(*) Recommend courses appropriately to students current skill level mixed with course options in areas of previous success

(*) Math student learning styles with appropriate instructors/teaching styles used in the course

(*) Set short and long term goals with student and develop action plans to meet those goals. Follow up with student

(*) Introduce student to other GGC support services, resources and groups

(*) Teach students how to become active participant in their learning

Referrals to other areas at GGC

(*) Financial aid office
(*) Career center
(*) Academic enhancement center for regular tutoring plan
(*) GGC workshops for study skills, time management, etc
(*) One on One meetings with student success advisor for more focused life/study skills training
(*) Counseling office: stress, anxiety, family issues, etc.
(*) Disability services

Anatomy of a GGC degree

(*) To graduate with BS degree every student needs to complete 123-128 credit hours

(*) ENG1101/2, MATH 1111, MATH 1113/2200, American Government course, History US + choices

Mentoring Resources

(*) Program plans at GGC

(*) Mentee Pictures/Information book

(*) Presentation home page has all ppt files used.

Disability Services Location: Bldg A

Student Conduct

(*) Academic dishonesty: academic misconduct, cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use

(*) Call Office of Student Conduct at 678-407-5760 (Student center Suite #2130) to report the academic misconduct. Fill in a "Faculty Adjudication Form" given in the NFO packet.

(*) First time violations witnessed by a faculty can be handled by the faculty after informing the above office

Signs of Distress

(*) Depression
(*) Agitation
(*) Violence and aggregation
(*) Suicidal thoughts
(*) All signs of suicide, violence, and aggregation should be taken seriously

How to refer a student to counseling

(*) Speak to student privately
(*) Share faculty's concern with student
(*) Empathize with student's condition
(*) Let students know about counseling center

Services at Wellness and Recreation Center Ph:678-407-5592

(*) Individual assessment
(*) Limited short-time counseling
(*) group counseling
(*) Referrals to community counselors

Career Development and Advising Center

Services provided include:

(*) Resume creation
(*) Cover letter assistance
(*) Internship assistance
(*) Choosing major
(*) Personal assessment
(*) Interest assessment
(*) Career exploration
(*) 3 Professional networking events (free)
(*) Company and/or Industry research
(*) Personal statement preparation
(*) Letters of interest
(*) Register for gold link program
(*) Professional etiquette
(*) Industry night event first Wednesday every month at Lincoln room
(*) Facebook page available
(*) Accouncements in Campus Life

Contact: Andrea H Scott 678-407-5702

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