Friday, March 23, 2012

Changes to Prerequisites for Physics 2212 Effective Fall 2012

Starting Fall 2012, PHYS 2212K will require students to take Calculus II as a prerequisite. As the 2211/2212 sequence is primarily taken by Biology majors, the Physics requirements for the Biology tracks will also change at this time. For all tracks except Biochemistry, students will have the option to take the 1111/1112 or the 2211/2212 sequence. Students in the Biochemistry track will still have to take the 2211/2212 sequence, and will have Math 2210 (Calculus II) added to their program of study as a required course.
Students who want to take advantage of this change will need to change their catalog year with the registrar's office to reflect the new program. Students who have already or are currently taking PHYS 2211 and want to complete PHYS 2212 need to take PHYS 2212 over the summer, otherwise they will have to take Math 2210 first. Students who have completed PHYS 2211 will be able to sign up for PHYS 1112 to complete the sequence if they change to the new program plan.
Starting in Fall, all students must take Math 2210 before taking PHYS 2212.

Registration questions to be directed to : lynnmiller4@XXc.XdX

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