Friday, March 23, 2012

STEM Symposium Presentations:Tuesday, May 01, 2012 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort, Stone Mountain

A STEM Initiative II mini-grant that pertains to Course-Imbedded Research. Last semester, the STEM Initiative II Team submitted and received IRB approval for all mini-grants awarded through the STEM Initiative Grant. This means that you do not have to submit individual IRBs for your mini-grants. However, you will still need to assess and evaluate your mini-grant, in particular, the content component and the student-research component.
Assessment and evaluation of your mini-grant comprises 4 key components:
1) Student consent form:
Prior to administration of all assessments, students MUST complete a consent form. The GGC-IRB approved Consent Form is attached. Please print both the Consent Form and the Pre-Assessment Form and administer during the first week of class. Please remind students to sign (signature NOT print) the consent form. Remember to include your course and section number on the forms.
2) Content Assessment – Pre and Post assessments:
You will need to develop your own content assessment for your course. Development and administration of the content assessment is your responsibility. Depending on your mini-grant, you may want to administer your content pre-assessment at the start of the semester or at the start of your new module. Post assessments should also be administered at the end of the semester. Your Course Content Assessment should also include components related to your discipline’s research skills. You may wish to assess how your research-based module affected students’ research skills. You are responsible for analyzing your own content / research skills assessments.
3) 4-yr Undergraduate Research Experience Assessment- Pre and Post assessments:
Since the STEM Initiative II Team will need to assess and evaluate the overall grant (4 yr URE) and all strategies related to the grant, we have developed student assessment surveys (IRB approved) for all mini-grants that deal with student-research components of all mini-grants. The attached survey (4-yr URE CIRP Survey) is a general PRE-ASSESSMENT Survey for all Course-Imbedded Research Mini-Grants.
Please administer this Pre-Assessment Survey during the first week of class. If you are implementing both “research” sections and “control” sections, please send this survey to all lab instructors involved in your project. An identical Post-Assessment survey will be sent to you at a later date; this will be administered at the end of the semester. Please read the instructions at the top of the survey to your students prior to the start of the survey. Clay Runck is in charge of the assessment component of the STEM Initiative II Grant. Please submit this assessment (4-yr URE survey forms only) and all signed student consent forms to Clay.
4) Assessment and Evaluation Report:
Your final report (due at the end of the semester) must include a section on Assessment and Evaluation. This section should include your assessment data and a general summary of how the grant worked, effect on student learning, what faculty learned, and whether or not is it being adapted by other faculty.

An important component of our STEM Initiative grant is the dissemination of information to colleagues, both internally and externally. The SST STEM Symposium is being organized with this in mind.

The morning sessions will be devoted to presentations on the mini-grants that were funded in fall and spring. Give a presentation about your mini-grant….description, results, data (if any), impact on students, etc, etc.

We would like you to take this opportunity to let the rest of your colleagues know what you have been involved in.

For those of you who just received funding this semester, you can give us an update or present any data that you may have.

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