Saturday, August 5, 2017

Mentoring Recommendations at GGC: Technology Tools for Mentors

Academic Standing:
A student who fails to
a) remove themselves from academic probation

Academic Warning
 - fails to maintain the appropriate minimum cumulative GGC's GPA
 - student and mentor will get a written letter
 -  one more semester to raise their academic standing
 - if still gpa is below the minimum, they go onto academic probation. Less then minimum CGPA for  2 consecutive semester leads to academic probation

Continued Probation:

Student earn a 2.0 GPA during any semester in which theu are on academic probation, but do not raise their GGC CGPA sufficiently to be removed from probation.

Academic Probation:
- 1 semester break after being  below minimum CGPA
-  apply for admissions again, the readmission semester is their academic probation again.
- after readmission semester, if they still are below their minimum GPA they go on academic dismissal
- two times academic dismissal, they might not get readmitted again

Hours Attempted and Minimum GGC cumulative GPA
0 -15 : 1.5
16-30: 1.6
31-45: 1.8
>45: 2.0

39 Hour Rule of Board of Regents
- At least 39 hours of 3000 or above level courses in electives 

Student Success Adviser:
DeAnna jackson: djackso1 at, 678-407-5465
EAP courses
MATH 0099

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