Saturday, August 5, 2017

Minutes of meeting (Feb 13,2010 Sat 5:00 p.m.)

· Vijay’s telescope idea was a hit with the kids ( proof being unreturned telescopes !)

· A couple of people who wanted to build their own website eventually lost interest and were extremely passive about it . Some others were being slightly fickle about investing their time into it.

· Agreed on getting one website up and working and probably that would encourage the others to take more interest in building their own website. Also, that may also help us interact more with them.

· Ekhlas’s idea - getting people from different grades to sit together but a few others thought it would be better if we could segregate them depending on their grades.

· Sumedha’s idea – Get one tutor to constantly take care of a group of kids.. However, we should let them know that they can always go to another one in case they wish to . Also, one tutor may be doing Math but they may not be extremely good with something else so can we have 1 Math/Phy and 1 Chem/Bio in each group ?

· Have a list of experiments lined up for next Saturday 3-4 p.m.

· We’ll have a demonstration for some expts where we don’t think the kids would be careful enough with the reagents

· Expt #1. Mr.Ravi Prasad’s expt to demonstrate surface tension where we can put the coins inside a beaker filled with water to see how many coins can actually be put inside the beaker.

Reagents and glassware needed :

1.Beaker ( Who’s getting it ? )

2.Color (optional)

3.A couple of coins (Mr.Ravi Prasad shall be getting them)

Is this expt a demo /would we have enough pennies for all of them to give it a try ?

Expt#2. Tina’s BURNING expt :

This is strictly a demonstration :

Reagents and glassware needed :

1.Beaker with water

2.Alcohol ( I am getting it )

3.Dollar bill ( Tina’s getting it)

We shall first dip the dollar in water and them EtOH and since it’s already dipped in H20 ,the alcohol just forms a second layer and hence the dollar bill shall not burn.

Expt#3. Mr.Ravi Prasad’s expt about atmospheric pressure :

Reagents and glassware needed :

1.Glass beaker.

2.Water .


4.Aluminum/Baking tray

This can be tried out by everyone .

We fill the beaker with water and put a paper on the filled beaker and get it upside down and see that the water still stays inside the beaker and doesn’t spill out . The tray is for any unlucky spills .

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